Behind the Blog

How do you write your first blog post? I'm sure that's something I'll write about in years to come, but for now I have no idea.

I'll start by introducing myself, which seems ridiculous when I know most people initially reading this will all probably know exactly who I am...
I'm Holly, an undergraduate Politics with Economics student from the Cotswolds. When most people hear that they say "so you want to work in Parliament" or "I guess you'll be Prime Minister one day then". To answer that simply: not a chance. I can't imagine anything I'd want to do less than spend my life working in the mess that is British Politics. Instead, I'd like to be reporting on it.
Already I write for the lifestyle section of the university's newspaper, creating articles on topics ranging from places to visit in the South West to my top tips for keeping fit in the winter. From this experience I began to develop ideas for a blog. I had article ideas written in my phone, in my diary and in various notepads, so I thought it was definitely time to start.

What to expect from my blog? To be a successful writer I believe that not only does the material need to be engaging for the readers but the writer must also be engaged with what it is that they're writing about. As a result my blog will be an honest reflection of the topics and activities that I find interesting. The question therefore is what interests do I have? Food, fitness, discovering new places, TV, films and reading (something I ought to do more of), to name a few. I'm also an avid football fan, writing weekly match reports for my local side, although I'm not sure this exactly fits with the direction of my blog so you might hear less about that side of my life. Many of my articles will fall under the topic of 'hints and tips' providing posts such as DIY gift ideas for different occasions, organisational ideas, and tips for any fellow students on things like money saving and managing workload.

I'm looking forward to creating lots of content; I'm aiming for two posts a week, so keep checking in to see what I have to write. Thanks for having a read, if you want to keep up to date with my blog posts subscribe to my emailing list and follow my socials.

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