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3 Tips for Getting Fit (Without Going to the Gym)

3 Tips for Getting Fit  (Without Going to the Gym)
Sorry for the silence - I definitely underestimated how easy it would be to juggle this blog and university work (which has been relentless over the last two weeks) - but I'm back and really enjoyed writing this article. I wrote a very similar one for the February edition of the BathTime (the University of Bath's student newspaper), and thought it was a great post to share with my online…
5 Quotes For Positivity

5 Quotes For Positivity

If you follow my Instagram ( @prettysimplistic ), my second post (ever) was about my "Motto of the Month". I was inspired to have a positive quote to refer to every month simply by…
'Healthy Enough' Fruity Pecan Flapjacks

'Healthy Enough' Fruity Pecan Flapjacks

I enjoy baking, an interest that grew from the talents of my mum who bakes the best cakes (especially on my birthday). Now though I realise that doing lots of baking and then eating what I&…
Behind the Blog

Behind the Blog

How do you write your first blog post? I'm sure that's something I'll write about in years to come, but for now I have no idea. I'll start by introducing myself, which seems…